(…più di) Sette domande a Frank Tapiro
Frank Tapiro è un professionista della comunicazione, è stato allievo di Seguela’, il più famoso pubblicitario francese.
E’ parigino, è presidente di una importante agenzia di pubblicità. Opinionista TV per la pubblicità politica, ha firmato campagne per Sarkozy.
Nel tempo libero suona in una band rock…lui è rock!
1 – La tua prima auto, un ricordo
My first souvenir with a car was the 404 Peugeot of my dad when I was a baby. I almost remember the smell of the seats and the light blue color of the cabin ; ) I was always seated right next to my father, standing up on his right side, my arms around his neck while he was driving. I know It sounds awfully dangerous today, but before, people were more cool and care free. I always asked him to see COWS down the road, so he made sometimes very long detours to find these cows ; )
My first car was my father old Mercedes 230D, ivory, automatic gears. It was much too elegant for a 18 years old guy but the car was so destroyed, it was more Rock n Roll than chic.
2 – Una strada. C’è una strada che ami in particolare ?
I love the french highway A75 that goes through the volcanos in the center of France. It’s amazing and beautiful. You forgot the road and start to dream.
3 – Un viaggio in auto che rifaresti
I would like to do again my journey in the dead valley California , through the desert. I was with my kids in a SUV with air conditioned on the highest speed. Outside, 50°C, no wind, no air, like in front of a hair dryer. We were almost on the moon and I would like to go back with my wife Charlotte, Elie, my new born son and his elder sisters.
4 – Inviti a cena un pilota , chi ?
I would not hesitate to invite Ayrton Senna. He was for me the Pelé of Formula 1, instinctive, attacking, with grace and poetry. He was so concentrated and so sharp, taking risk for him and sometimes for the others… He died at the end of a strait line, like he was living. This guy was much more than a pilot, he was a hero.
5 – Sogni mai di possedere un’auto, ovvero c’è un’auto nei tuoi sogni ?
The first car I was dreaming of was an Alfa Romeo Spider 2000, red color of course. It’s for me the absolute fantasy car. In Dino Buzati’s « K”, I love the novel where a woman transforms herself in a Speeder 2000 to seduce her husband. Today, I dream of a Tesla S, and I’ve bought my dream so it came true ; ) I wad too afraid my wife would try to transform herself in a tesla….
6 – Un’auto che è stata dimenticata
The car production I will never forget is the TUCKER, the most beautiful and intelligent car ever. A man alone vs the biggest industrial managers who wanted to kill because he was too genius. Today we are using Tuckers inventions like the modern fridge. (Questa la storia di Thomas Tucker raccontata da Autologia Auto&Cinema. “Un uomo e il suo sogno”: la Tucker Torpedo )
7- Una pubblicità di auto che hai presentato, ma che è ancora nel cassetto
One of the best commercial I’ve ever presented was for the new Alfa Romeo Giulia. To symbolize the “Rinascita” of the brand, the Giulia was driving through a city where all the classic master art pieces are animated when she passes in front of them. This concept is still unfortunately on a drawer.
This paradoxal contrast between the modernity of the Giulia and the eternal modern classicism of Alfa Romeo was the beginning of a new story for the brand, creating more emotions than another model, perfect to traduce the wonderful concept of “la meccanica delle emozioni”.
8 – Un personaggio importante che ti ha detto : ” Frank sali in auto che andiamo …”
Nicolas Sarkozy told me once to get in to go at an important meeting during his campaign in 2006/2007. unforgettable.
9 – Sei libero di scegliere un compagno di viaggio, con chi vorresti viaggiare?
I would love to travel with Mick Jagger and sing with him while driving. I can always get what I want ; ) what else?
10 – Parigi è una città complicata per le auto, avete un sindaco donna , madame Hidalgo che vorrebbe eliminarle definitivamente… Parigi non è car friendly. La tua opinione ?
Anne Hidalgo is right on one point : there are too many cars and trafic jam in Paris. She’s wrong on the method, too dogmatic and extremist. On another hand, when you do politics, in France, sometimes you have to act strongly to make your ideas come true. You can’t blame a politician who wants to do what he promisses. Paris will be electric cars friendly we have to avoid gas or Diesel because of pollution. Maybe in 10 years we’ll say she was right.
Ciao Eraldo. Di pure a Tapiro che io ho un’alfa Romeo spider 2000 con soli 36.000 km e con l’hard top, con me solo proprietario, e gliela vendo, se vuole. Io non ho più l’età… e la schiena adatta!!! Ciao, Renato